Akkoy II Hydroelectric Project

Small World Map


Kurtun, Turkey

Scope of Supply

4.8 m (15.8 ft) Main Beam TBM

Tunnel Length

15.5 km (9.6 mi)

Ground Condition

Andesite, Basalt, Rhyolite, Dacite, Agglomerate, Tuff, Breccia


Adaptable Hard Rock TBM
Changes Diameters Mid-Bore

  • The project will supply up to 898 million kWh annually
  • An intermediate breakthrough at the headrace tunnel was achieved in December 2010
  • The adaptable machine is excavating tunnels of differing sizes
  • The machine underwent an intermediate component change from 4.8 m (15.8 ft) to 4.0 m (13.1 ft) in diameter